- Wisbech
01945 464331 - Thetford
01842 756100 - Kings Lynn
01553 778100 - Peterborough
01733 865880
Business Disputes
Unfortunately in this day and age it is likely that businesses (be they Companies, Partnerships, Alternative Business Structures, LLPs or sole traders) will become involved in a dispute either with their suppliers, customers, advisers or even their employees. Disputes between business owners or management can be very serious and put the future of the business into jeopardy.
If this happens it can take a toll not only on the business but also on the person dealing with the matter, taking them away from what they do best - running their business.
When you need someone who can advise not only on the legal aspects of the dispute but who can also bring a commercial perspective to the situation MCP’s dispute resolution lawyers can help.
We are experienced in dealing with a wide spectrum of claims from small debt matters to multi-million pound claims. We will discuss from the outset your options, the prospects of success and the potential cost. We will consider whether court can be avoided and discuss alternative methods of resolving the dispute.
We are also able to try and help you avoid problems – our experienced commercial department can help you draft terms and conditions and contracts which will make your position clear if there is ever a dispute.
We have five members of our team who may work on your matter, and they are supervised by Sarah Adlam who is a Partner and Head of the Business Support Group. Sarah Adlam is supervised by Andrew Davies, who is a Partner.
We can help with:
- Commercial litigation
- Contractual disputes
- Debt recovery
- Shareholder & Partnership disputes
- Shareholders claims under the Companies Act 2006
- Insolvency & bankruptcy
- Intellectual Property disputes
- Landlord & Tenant Disputes
- Professional negligence
- Property disputes
- Warranty claims
For help with a dispute, please contact Sarah Adlam.